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***Don’t let anyone tell you they know their space rock, especially if they’ve never heard the sweet bleat of the brightest black sheep in all of Perth, Australia, Bluetile Lounge. Refusing to indulge in tired-ass alien/UFOlogies carpetbagged by the competition these days, this pair of unbranded mavericks and iconoclastic lass celebrate space in the mathematical sense, harnessing a sublime audio-physics that defines vast ‘scapes shaped by gas chunks of chordal overtone and tidal trapkit crestings. Dig it - Proust, Picasso, David Lynch, LaMonte Young, Galaxy 500 and Low, it’s all in the vibe. Previous album from 1995 on Summershine and distributed by Sub Pop. Mighty fine.

CD $9.50

01/08/2001 787996002422 

slr 024CD