***"This is technically an Italian band, but because it's on a local label and because vocal talent ANUS (aka ALESSANDRO) used to live here (and was in some cool local bands like FOLDE SHIRT, FLYIN' TRICECOS), I'm counting it as 'local-ish'. There was also a cassette release of this on Blow Blood Records a little while ago, but how complicated do you want this to be? Good punk rock, sorta Pagans-ish, definitely has the 70s punk feel going on. The head guy at the label who put this out (who also told me to 'stop quoting [him] in the reviews') said that it's like a cross between GRABBIES (another Anus band) and Folded Shirt, because of something to do with the drummer not being able to drum. Where was I going with this? I don't remember. Cool lyrics, too: 'At the pub I'm drinking late, I'm by myself not by mistake, I want alone but you want a debate, say 'What's wrong with ya, oi cheer up mate,' I'll smile when you die.' Well, maybe I should stop there. Don't wanna ruin the mystery... If you like any of the bands named previously in this review, or just good punk, maybe check this one out. 4/5"—Buzz Kompler, Lakewood Observer (Ohio).
7" $8.05