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De Oliveira, Jocy

***"It is rather fascinating Jocy de Oliveira's journey as a creative and sensitive inhabitant of our planet. She is a masterful composer, interpreter, multimedia artist, and storyteller. Her pieces are influenced by the avant-garde of the 20th century and all cultures and languages on Earth, emphasizing the importance of feminism, science, and the environment. Jocy started composing at the age of six and was introduced to piano studies at a very young age by her mother who was a poet and pianist. In 1959 she recorded “A Música Século XX de Jocy”, an "Anti-Bossa Nova” record that was not understood by anyone in the 50s, but 62 years latter it became a cult classic (and has just being reissued). Her talent and dedication brought her to work alongside 20th-century music masters such as Igor Stravinsky, Oliver Messaien, Luciano Berio, Claudio Santoro, John Cage, Xenaxis and Karlheinz Stockhausen. This became a vital experience in her artistic life and she performed world premieres of works by many of these great composers. Jocy witnessed and experienced the rupture of several paradigms of Western music. She incorporated serialism and electroacoustics, dialogued with ritualistic music and indeterminacy that boomed in the revolutionary 1960s. This album is dedicated to a production that goes from the mid 80s to the early 90s. For the first time on vinyl, this compilation brings excerpts from electroacoustic pieces written by Jocy de Oliveira from 1987 to 1993. Jocy is considered a pioneer in avant-garde electroacoustic music in Brasil, also as...

LP $21.95


ND 005