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Very few artists these days aren’t trying hard to use digital technology to produce a perfectly precise and cleaned up musical “product” for you to consume or for DJs to play out. Dead Fader is raw as fuck and seriously not playing by the rulebook and we should all thank him for caring so little about not caring too much. The results are 100% as original as unconventional, and quite possibly make up the most abrasive and grooving release we have ever put out. Previous Dead Fader releases on UK label 3by3 showcased a clear fascination with perverting current dubstep styles into their own twisted vision, but this ep is clearly a hiphop affair, minimal and funky, with the occasional swing or industrial IDM stomp thrown in to keep things interesting. Dead Fader mainman John Cohen cites modern influences like NHK, Jamie Vex’d, Clark, Loops Haunt, Rustie, Flying Lotus and Emptyset to go along with the obvious Pan Sonic and Merzbow vibe that shines through unmistakably on each track.

MP3 $5.94

10/10/2011 751937518488 

MEOW 184