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The Gate is an unlikely trio featuring Dan Peck (tuba), Tom Blancarte (electric upright bass) & Brian Osborne (percussion) that has willed it’s way into existence over the past 5 years, with 4 previous releases that have beaten down all expectations of what they can or should sound like. The Gate’s new tape “Chuck” follows on the heels of last years stunning “Stench” LP…side A of “Chuck” finds the trio going full-bore into free jazz improv, but as expected this isn’t your average blowing session, The Gate delve into areas that bring to mind more out sounds of Wolf Eyes or No Neck Blues Band but still maintain a free jazz sensibility throughout. Just when you think you’ve figured out their game Side B comes along with the 26 minute through-composed piece “The Huldrefish” that features the trio with guests Nate Wooley (trumpet, amplifier) & Tim Dahl (electric bass). The sounds are still dark and foreboding but as much of their metal-tinged imagery would suggest, but there is an added sense of composure and purpose. Epic in every possible sense.

MP3 $7.99

09/25/2015 731882522341 


FLAC $8.99

09/25/2015 731882522341