***"San Francisco Punk’s stillborn 1979 masterpiece is about to be mid-wived and you’re invited to the violently beautiful procedure. The often misunderstood 1979 Pop Session recording has been historically misattributed to NEGATIVE TREND, the band originally fronted by ROZZ REZABEK, in its only available bootleg form, but one thing that’s for certain, these nine blood-boiling studio recordings are set to change the historical context going forward. It’s truly that heavy, that powerful, that intimidating, and somehow still unknown. Dangerously simmering in the pre-hardcore sweet spot of 1979, this collection of speed-soaked brain-frying tracks is inexplicably stuck in the blind spot for most first wave West Coast punk fanatics, until now. Featuring Bobby Barrage on drums (pre-No Alternative) and the ironically named Dave Basic on guitar, Rozz’s Negative Trendisms are still firing on all cylinders through some of the most cranium-exploding vocals ever set to tape. The purely aneurismic vocal delivery on tracks like “I Don’t Wanna Be a Machine” and “Never Say Die” are going to be used specifically to medically resuscitate dying punk people in the near future so you might wanna just get that ready, y’know?"
LP $20.50
MP3 $7.99
FLAC $8.99