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Tempor Mentalist Ep by Sickboy


Tempor Mentalist Ep

In a galaxy far far away, lies a planet called Milkplus. It's most known inhabitant is the 245 year youngster Sickboy Milkplus, who came to this earth by accident, loosing control of his space-cruiser and crashing on a rooftop. This crash and burn supposedly happened right where the Tigerbeat6 family was living and they decided to adopt this "Sickboy" to prepare him for special musical missions. From mash-ups, to breakcore and ambient, Sickboy is stepping through time and walks these musical fields like a trained soldier. But this time, TB6 has prepared him for one of his most secretive missions of all-time, resulting in a rough sounding electro-bass EP named the 'TEMPOR MENTALIST'  This 4 track EP sees the relation between Sickboy & Tigerbeat6 in a new daylight, bringing forward a new formula that Sickboy has been applying to his sound. Crafty heavy basslines this is probably the most DJ-Friendly release Sickboy will ever do. So this one is for all of you unearthly DJ's, that know when to push that special button in order to loose self-control on the dance floor. Yup, it's been tested and approved by N.A.S.A. in it's secret party lab. It's pretty safe. Still, they gave the warning to the public "WARNING: MAY RESULT IN TEMPOR MENTALIST BEHAVIOUR"

MP3 $2.99
