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Templates Made Or Found by Southerning


Templates Made Or Found
Drunken Fish

The debut recording from Andy (Jessamine) and David (husband of Jessamine vocalist/bassist) is inspired by the early works of cluster and tangerine dream, composers Gyorgy Ligeti and Terry Riley, and contemporary experimentalists like Aurobindo and Thomas Koner. They use an eclectic blend of undiscernible sources and technologies to mold a variety of textures and moods. Starting with several layers of electronic meditations, the results range from amorphous underwater soundscapes to lilting jetstream journeys.

CD $12.00

01/08/2001 060267963821 


MP3 $9.90

01/08/2001 060267963821 

df 38CD 

One Piece In Four Parts by Southerning


One Piece In Four Parts

***Continuing on a journey begun with last year’s Templates Made or Found, Andy (Jessamine) Brown and David Farrell travel in a more melodic direction on this new album. With nods to Folke Rabe, early Popul Vuh and Tangerine Dream, the four pieces on this CD work to create a pulsing,  meditative and expansive cranial space.

CD $12.00

07/20/1999 060267960325 

hist 03CD