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Psychic Drift by White Suns

White Suns

Psychic Drift

New York City’s purveyors of noise White Suns have returned with a new full-length recording titled Psychic Drift. Following the deconstructed rock instrumentation of 2014’s Totem, Dana Matthiessen and Kevin Barry continue their inexorable plunge into sonic abstraction. This latest album consists of four long-form compositions where synthesizers, field recordings, cut-up samples and lurching rhythms form a tapestry of shifting layers. The focus here is on texture and atmosphere, utilizing repurposed aspects of drone, industrial and harsh noise to create claustrophobic soundscapes that ripple and groan. White Suns has existed since 2006 and have released three full-length albums: Waking In The Reservoir (UgExplode, 2011), Sinews (Load, 2012) and Totem (The Flenser, 2014), along with a handful of small-run releases. Their material has received accolades from the New Yorker, SPIN, Pitchfork, and Tiny Mix Tapes among others. They’ve toured the U.S. extensively and garnered a reputation as a threatening and intense live act. “White Suns make a habit of crushing your soul .” —Tiny Mix Tapes

LP $17.50

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FR 77 

CD $12.00

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FR 77 CD 

MP3 $7.99

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FR 77 

FLAC $8.99

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FR 77 

Totem is rock music realizing its obsolescence; the work of a band compelled to mutate. Exploring the intersection of punk and electronics, White Suns sculpt organic noise with detuned guitars, amplified drums and makeshift electronics, oscillating between crushingly dense assaults and articulate hushed passages. While retaining the signature onslaught of previous works, Totem is tempered by deadened stares and slow-burn instrumentals. The album was recorded by renowned engineer Martin Bisi (Sonic Youth, Swans, Foetus) at his labyrinthine BC Studio compound. Comprised of members Kevin Barry, Dana Matthiessen and Rick Visser, the Brooklyn band has existed since 2006 and released two full-length albums, Waking in the Reservoir (ugEXPLODE, 2011) and Sinews (Load, 2012), along with a handful of small-run releases. Their output has garnered accolades from The New Yorker, SPIN, Pitchfork and Tiny Mix Tapes, among others. White Suns have toured the US extensively and built a reputation as a threatening and intense live act.  “... dense and unrelenting, a summer jam record for the black turtleneck conspiracy theory set.” —Layla Gibbon, Maximum Rocknroll, August 2012  “The ostensible soundtrack for the apocalypse.” —Brad Cohan, Dusted, June 2012

LP $17.50

03/18/2014 723175699014 

FR 40 LP 

CD $9.50

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FR 40 CD 

MP3 $7.99

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FLAC $8.99

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Waking In The Reservoir by White Suns

White Suns

Waking In The Reservoir

***WHITE SUNS is comprised of KEVIN BARRY, DANA MATTHIESSEN and RICK VISSER, who reside in Brooklyn, New York. They have been playing together for four years. They recently supported a small-run cassette release last year (Cavity, Pregnant Records, 2010) with an East Coast tour. The band is now releasing their first LP, Waking In The Reservoir on ugEXPLODE. The music is a pummeling synthesis of electronics-based noise and guitar-driven modernist punk. It will appeal to those already conscious and also those who wish to be ripped from their slumber. This album was recorded in high fidelity by BEN GREENBERG (Zs, Little Women) and mastered by WEASEL WALTER. This album is intelligent, angry, asymmetrical, furious, cacophonous, articulate and unique. "The Brooklyn trio White Suns launch a pummelling sonic blitzkrieg, replete with the clatter of buzz-saw guitars and tumultuous percussion; survivors of their raucous live sets (not to mention this scummy venue [Silent Barn]) should get a medal."—The New Yorker. (STREET DATE - 2/15/2011)

LP $10.50


UG 45 

CD $9.25

02/15/2011 884502949513 

UG 45 CD