***"Standing around guzzling beers at a show at the long defunct Gibson House in the early 2000’s, Brian Foss the booker, mentioned an upcoming show w/ the Evaporators to LARS, JED & I. Quickly surveying the scene & seeing we had a 3 piece at hand & could grab the show, somebody said 'Can we play that? Yeah, umm… we’ve got a new band, it’s sounding pretty good, it’s called ummm… we’ll get back to you with the name.' A band was born. Jed & I might’ve been playing in the INTELLIGENCE then. Lars & I might’ve been playing in DIPERS then. MIN was in the Intelligence w/ us for a time & the A FRAMES w/ Lars. MIKE from DOUBLE FUDGE played in Intelligence, Welcome and later UNNATURAL HELPERS with me. It’s difficult to peel apart all of the bands & be sure which shows you saw, which shows you played, who might’ve playing with who at that time. We were all psyched to be playing music. Energy was high, down time was unacceptable. Forward we moved. We played the show w/ the Evaporators, which was a hoot & then played a party at Jed’s house in Ballard. I remember Jed stole a pool from Fred Meyer for that one. That was it. I don’t really remember why. We guzzled beers & formed bands w/ others that were around? I dig the brevity. I like how tidy it was. We probably never argued or hated that idiots stupid story...
7" $9.25
MP3 $9.90
FLAC $9.90
***PLEASE CHECK STOCK!!! A vinyl release of UNNATURAL HELPERS’ first self-released album with bonus tracks. ROB VERTIGO stared directly in to a photograph of Dean Whitmore for three full days and has wrung out of his ADD riddled wet-lobes more catchy tracks than one would think imaginable. Seemingly hundreds since his first foray into 4-track. But catchy don't mean just simple or clean. There's a history of Pacific NW grime, grit and a snarling wry wit caked under his fingernails. Just because his calloused hands bleat out garage perfection doesn't mean something clattery, weird or dark isn't gonna' be around the bend. Angular knee-jerk rock, Fuzz-muffed and Muddled-ga-runge, overcast punkish gloom, heavy stoner chug, Sonics soulful belting, Redd Kross speed and sugar crunched pop. The whole fawking caboodle is on the table. And this carry-on contains HITS. Someday hopefully this eclectic Helpers catalog will be remembered and/or regarded as important as the works of elder-punks Rob Vasquez (who?! Go learn something kids...it's HISTORY), Kurt Bloch or even Fred Cole. If we know what's best. This is the type of music-stuff that rings loudly in HATE's flannel-wrapped Buddy Bradley's brain, if that old dweeb even listens to R&R anymore.
LP $9.75